Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Missionary work 101

First off, I would like to thank all of my loyal friends and family back home for their belief that I know all the answers.  I don't know if it's the name-tag  or what... but since I have been on my mission, lots of letters and emails have come my way asking what they can do to help the work move forward.  These make me happy :)  Everyone wants to do the Lord's work!  Go team!!!!!

Now despite the fact that I would love to pretend that I am all-knowing and hold all of the secrets to success, I don't.  HOWEVER, I have some pretty good ideas that I've been brain-storming up that I hope can help.  

Secret #1:  (I'll preface this by saying it's not a secret, and us "full-time missionaries" definitely don't want it to be a secret).  WE NEED YOUR HELP!  We can go out and tract for hours and have some success, sure--there are miracles all around us everyday. But it is 8 trillion times better (yes these are accurate statistics) when we are working with members' loved ones.  And just because I'm enjoying typing at the moment I will list out some of the reasons why:

  1. Nobody wants to take time from their life to talk to a stranger knocking on their door. I'll be the first one to say that I know I don't want to.  I was that terrible person who hid when people came and I didn't want to talk to them.  oops...
  2. Next, it would really help with my fashion statement.  I just completely wore out my favorite pair of shoes from all of the door knocking we do (and they were good shoes too).  We don't have time/money to go out shopping, so I'll just have to walk around bare foot now.  (****Don't worry, I have other shoes. No hypothermia toes for me!)
  3. and a bomb quote from a representative of the Lord:  "So many of us look upon missionary work as simply tracting. Everyone who is familiar with this work knows there is a better way."
    -Elder Russell M. Nelson

Also, let's just remember that sharing the Gospel is a COMMANDMENT.  umm, that's a good reason to do it if you ask me.  All this being said, (and maybe I even guilt-ed some of you into it) I hope you now understand WHY this is important.  As my friend Elder Russel M. Nelson would say "CATCH THE WAVE!!!!" 


First off, just make your religion a part of who you are.  You don't have to call up all of your non-member friends tonight and invite them to church this Sunday.  But in the little simple things, share the Gospel.  Social Media is the way of the future (the internet was created for the Gospel to be shared)--Post a status with a scripture, have a link on your blog to what you believe, share a Mormon message. Is that hard? yeah, I didn't think so.  For those of you who haven't jumped on board to the social media train:  Have a dinner and FHE with your amigos, invite people to the ward party, give a Christmas gift to your neighbors that somehow shares some of your beliefs  . . . .  Your simple invite will lead to their SALVATION.  no pressure.

Clayton Christensen has some amazing advice on sharing the gospel. "Using Mormon words in our daily conversations opens a door for people to have a conversation about the Church. The vast majority don’t walk through the door, and that’s fine. But sometimes they do by asking, 'Oh—so you’re a Mormon?' We have found it very helpful to follow up by asking, 'Why do you ask?”  Way to go Brother C.  Great idea.  

NEXT:  Watch this talk by Elder S. Gifford Nielsen Hastening the Lord's Game Plan! He pretty much has all the answers and I just would love to copy the entire thing down. 
His super smart game-plan: 1st, specifically pray to bring someone closer to the Savior and His gospel every day. You could do this by seeing all people as sons and daughters of God helping each other on their journey home. Think of the new friends you would make. 
2nd, pray for the missionaries serving in your area and their investigators by name every day. (LOVE THIS ONE!!!) The only way to do this is to greet them, look at their badge, call them by name, and ask them who they are teaching. Elder Russell M. Nelson wisely contributed, “Until you know a person’s name and face, the Lord cannot help you know his or her heart.”
 3rd, invite a friend to an activity in or out of your home. Wherever you go or whatever you do, ponder who would enjoy the occasion and then listen to the Spirit as He directs you. 

Now for those of us who are a little more scared.... Why is sharing the Gospel SO scary?  We all have our different reasons.  The best answer that I have come up with is that it is something so near and dear to our hearts-- we don't want others to reject something that we hold so important to us.  Nobody likes rejection--especially when it's by somebody we love or about something we love.  Or perhaps it's because we doubt our own knowledge and feel inadequate... whatever the reason is, it's time to buck up.  No more being scared.  Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles assures us, "I promise you that if you will respond to the invitation to share your beliefs and feelings about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, a spirit of love and a spirit of courage will be your constant companion, for “perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18).

As a set-apart representative of the Lord, I promise that as you put in an honest effort in sharing the Gospel, you can do it!  BE SINCERE.  Have faith that the Lord will help you.  I'm talking real faith.  Faith that you exercise EVERYDAY.... like ripped, shredded, 6-pack faith that you develop more and more everyday.  So many people won't even pray for help because they are scared that the help will come!  Just DO IT!  God will always provide a way for us to accomplish his commands, just ask Nephi These people are your friends-- they aren't going to hate you for sharing your beliefs.  (if they do, then you probably don't have very good friends).  They will love you even if they reject the invitation.  (and if it's rejected, DON"T give up on missionary work.  You just planted a seed, and maybe it's not their time yet.)  It's scary and difficult, but as you prayerfully prepare (best alliteration ever) to share the Gospel with your friends, everything will work out.  And that is a promise from the Lord--not just Addison/Hermana Davis/insignificant me.

Now for my testimony of missionary work.  The reason I am putting my life on hold 18 months to serve the Lord is one simple answer-- my family.  I happen to be blessed with the GREATEST family in the world.  Am I biased?  Not at all.  My family has brought me so much joy, the most fun, the most comfort, happiness, peace, excitement, and all other good things.  There is nothing I want more than to be with my family (current and future) forever.  And I want everyone in the world to have this as well.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's church established on the earth today, and is the answer to living with our families FOREVER.  Pausing my life back home is seriously the least I can do to bring eternal life to others.  That said.... FAMILY-- GET TO WORK!  Go be as cool as I just told the world you are.  

My cute family :)   LOVE YOU!

 THE PROPHET says, “Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto Him.  He has prepared the means for us to share the gospel in a multitude of ways, and He will assist us in our labors if we will act in faith to fulfill His work."

*****And check-out the GREATEST website on the internet: Hastening the Work of Salvation

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