Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I Buy Myself Flowers

Today I woke up thinking about flowers; I LOVE flowers.  They make me happy and they smell good and there's just something better about life when there are flowers nearby.  Flowers are bold.  strong.  gorgeous.  fragrant.  JUST like us women.  (okay, the men too)  They stand on their own and they just flaunt their beauty for everybody to see!

So my flowery thought of the day:
We are DESIGNERS of our own DESTINY.
What does that even mean?  Good question.  It asks how are we deciding to live our lives and even view our lives?  Do we see ourselves and our experiences as beautiful, rich orchids, or are we simply just the weeds or dandelions that get lost in the wind (or are simply just destroyed by my companion because she enjoys kicking them... no wishes for her!)  Now who wouldn't want to be a flower? 

First off, we are all in God's floral arrangement.  Now I think most people realize this, but they don't truly appreciate it.  Some right now are thinking, "Not all of us can be the deep red rose, or the tropical hibiscus."   But can we just pause right here to remember that we are GOD'S CREATIONS.  God is not the author of anything too ugly, too fat, too depressed, too weird, whatever else.  All of us flowers work together and become this large, theatrical display of floral art.  Also, we get to choose the flower we want to be.  Today, I invite you all to become a Gerber Daisy (if you don't like them, you can pick another one... I guess).  Gerber Daisies are my favorite.  They are happy and simple and you can't look at a Gerber daisy without a smile.  I just adore Gerber daisies; they are unabashedly proud of who they are and they just fill up the entire room.  So be a Gerber daisy!  make no excuses for who you are, be bold and display all your gorgeous self!!!!  Stand up proud and colorful, wear your personality on your sleeve.  you are gorgeous.  Start believing it.    You stand up all on your own  and say to anyone who stops to gander... "This is who I am.  And I LIKE it!"

So be a Gerber Daisy today.  And in fact, go buy yourself a nice bouquet.  Whoever said you need a man to buy you flowers had some serious issues.  I am not scared to go out and by myself a flower.  (Okay, not going to lie--I've only bought myself flowers once in my life.... but it was the BEST.  I got to walk down Champs-Elysees in Paris carrying a colorful bouquet of summer flowers)  I was a Gerber daisy and I didn't care what the world said, because flowers can stand on their own.  No matter how alone we feel, how upset, disappointed, inadequate, or whatever other stupid thing you are telling yourself--Be a flower.  Time to cheer up and start brightening up others!  Nobody can tell us no.  Nobody can take away our smiles that root from our happy Gerber daisies.

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